Harvard Business School » Social Enterprise » MBA Experience » Careers » Leadership Fellows


Leadership Fellows

The Leadership Fellows program is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a select group of graduating students to experience high-impact management positions in nonprofit and public sector organizations for one year at a competitive salary.


Launched in 2001, the Leadership Fellows program has placed 305 Fellows with 104 organizations, with a focus on two key objectives:

  • Providing social-sector organizations with access to analytic and strategic talent to deliver high-impact results
  • Encouraging emerging leaders to develop an appreciation for and understanding of the complexities of leading in the social sector

Process & Salary

Hiring organizations are selected through a competitive process based on the scope and nature of the position and on the capacity of the organization to utilize a Fellow's leadership and management skills. Fellows are chosen by the hiring organizations through a standard interview process. Organizations pay Fellows a $65,000 salary and HBS awards Fellows a one-year grant of $65,000.


Fellows since 2001


Organizations since 2001